Friday, November 16, 2007

the best laid plans...

James 4:13-17

The key words or ideas are: boasting, planning, uncertainty of the future. James is admonishing people for the sheer arrogance of making brash plans. Since God is in control and since God is their king, their plans are subject (or should be, anyways) to the will of God. James compares making such plans to boasting: the underlying message is that I control my own destiny and that I run my life. James reminds the reader that God runs his life and controls her destiny. He makes a strong statement that to live or think otherwise is evil and sinful.
I am not sure how the last line connects to the rest of the paragraph. There is a connecting phrase: "so then" but I don't see how it logically follows. As a stand alone proverb, it is very powerful: when we don't do what we know to be good, we sin.
I stand condemned under James' indictment. Rather than clearing everything through my King, I make my own plans and then ask him for his blessing. Rather than saying, "What would like me to do?" or "Is this what you'd like me to do?" I demand that he bless the plans that I have made. This is sheer arrogance because it places me in the position of King or Master rather than acknowledging that God is my King and submitting to him. I serve at the pleasure of the King. May I never forget that.

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