Monday, September 13, 2010

The Refuge of the Righteous

Psalm 34

This is a psalm of David written as a response to his deliverance from Abimelek. I can't help but here the ecstatic relief in the tone of the psalm. I would expect the psalm to be less focused because of the emotions David must have felt and yet it is incredibly disciplined: the text notes indicate that this was an acrostic poem.
There are a couple of themes in the psalm. The first is praise. David begins with a call to praise and then gives his reason for praise. It isn't long before David seizes this teachable moment to instruct the congregation. David's main point is that the Lord protects those who fear him. This theme is repeated through out the rest of the psalm with a brief pause to instruct his fellow worshipers in how to fear the Lord: turn from evil and do good.
It would be easy to read a formulaic faith in this psalm because David pretty much lays it out as a formula: turn from evil and do good and the Lord will hear your prayer and deliver you from trouble. The problem with this formula is that it doesn't work and adds pressure to me. If I am experiencing trouble the obvious conclusion is that the Lord is not hearing my prayer because I do not fear him enough or have not done enough good. Sometimes there is truth to this conclusion but sometimes there is not. Job would stand as a witness that this formula cannot be upheld 100% of the time. This is why I see this psalm as a sort of proverb: a general truth that has some exceptions. Sort of like the rule of thumb: it's right 9 times out of 10 (including this one... I'll leave you to do the math on that!). However, the formula is ultimately right. Ultimately the righteous will be delivered. Ultimately evil will be defeated. Ultimately those who fear the Lord will be vindicated.
This is what I like about the psalms: there are psalms that reflect almost every emotion and circumstance in my life. In times of victory and deliverance, I can sing this psalm with David. In times of brokeness and darkness, I know that even though I walk through the valley of the darkest shadow the Lord is with me. His rod and staff will bring me comfort. I do not have to fear any evil. He is with me in the present and I will take refuge in him until that day when he ultimately delivers me.

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