Wednesday, June 9, 2010

a scorching wind

Psalm 11

This is another psalm of David. It is clear that he is facing opposition once again and that even his friends are despairing. The advice they are giving him is to flee because of the overwhelming strength of his enemies. David's response is that God is in control.
There are some strong images: fleeing like a bird, foundations being attacked, raining coals and sulphur, seeing the Lord's face. David's belief is that God is in control and that he is on the side of the righteous and is opposed to the wicked. The implication is that he can be secure because God is in control and nothing can oppose God and his purpose.
The image of the upright seeing the face of God is incredibly intimate and incredibly rewarding. The Scripture teaches that no one can see God and live. Even Moses could not see the entire glory of God but saw his "back". David contends that there will be a time when the upright will be able to see the full glory of God and commune with him face to face. The teaching of the NT is that the time David talked about begins now because through Christ we have full access to the throne of God to find mercy and grace in our time of need. We still see through a glass darkly, says Paul, but the time is nearer when we shall know even as we are fully known.

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