Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the end

Hebrews 13:20-25

The author ends with a benediction, which both praises God and asks for his blessing on the audience, and final greetings. In the TNIV, it is clear that the author is writing from Italy. The author also has relationship with Timothy, who, it appears, was in jail but has now been released. The author is free to travel (v. 23) and therefore it is not jail that is preventing travel (v. 19).
In the benediction, the author reminds the audience of God's incredible power and the superiority and eternal nature of the new covenant. It is from this power that the author calls for the equipping of the audience to do what God has called them to do, reminding the audience that the fulfillment of God's call is for the glory of Christ.
This is a good reminder. In staff chapels we're studying the letter to the Colossians. It has the same basic tone: we work in God's strength for Christ's glory. I get a little bit sick of Christian athletes because they are always giving God credit for stuff and it sounds a bit hokey but... they actually have it right to a point. God gives us the ability to do what he has called us to do. He does not call us to things that he does not enable us for. So, when I accomplish what God has called me to do, it is to his glory and credit. There is nothing for me to boast about or feel proud about. I couldn't speak unless God gave me the ability to speak and the insight into his Word. I couldn't lead unless God gave me the ability to lead and the wisdom to know where to go. Everything I do is because God has given me life, breath, strength, grace, gifts, talents, etc. My life stands as a monument to him.

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