Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Swear...

Hebrews 6:13-15

The promise is what connects this paragraph to the previous paragraphs. The author has tried to prevent the readers from falling away first by warning them of the dire consequences if they do and then by exhorting them to work patiently and faithfully to inherit the promise. In this paragraph, the author reminds the readers that the promise of God is completely sure. He goes back to Abraham to show how trustworthy God's promise is.
The theme of patience also shows up in this paragraph as well. This indicates that the readers were growing impatient with the promise of God and were in danger of giving up on the faith, motivating the author's warnings at the beginning of the chapter. The author reminds the readers that Abraham had to wait to receive what God had promised but that did not mean that God was not trustworthy. In the same way, the readers can be sure that they will receive what God has promised (going back to the promised Sabbath rest in chapter 4) even though it is taking longer than they would like.
The author would speak the same message to us today: God is trustworthy and he will keep his promise. Be patient, work hard, have faith and don't fall away! The ways that I see people falling away today are many: ungodliness, immorality, materialism, complacency, turning following Christ into a religion or sub-culture, etc. I know that one of the ways that I tend to fall away is by losing sight of the fact that Christ will return, that the promise will become reality.

1 comment:

Jeff Beer said...

It is so true, I think many of us have become impatient and complacent, it doesn't help that many church models have become consumerisitic and performance/entertainment based. If only we could be patient and trust God's unfailing promises. I agree that we are trying to become a sub-culture and be like the culture than be the Kingdom that God has called us to be, great reminder to live the gospel and be prepared for the return of Christ.