Monday, June 1, 2009

tax paying fish

Matthew 17:24-27

It must have been terrible trying to keep things hidden from Jesus. Peter has a private conversation and comes into the house and Jesus already knows all about it! If it was anyone but Jesus it would be too much power for someone to have.
In this case, someone asks Peter if Jesus pays the temple tax. Peter replies that Jesus does pay it but upon entering the house, discovers that was the wrong answer. However, Jesus tells Peter to go fishing and the first fish he catches will have enough in its mouth to pay the tax for both Peter and Jesus. I find it interesting that Jesus says, "that we may not cause offense". when it came to other religious traditions, Jesus had no problem causing offense. At this point in his ministry, his claim to be the Messiah was public and the religious leaders had already rejected him as being empowered by Satan so Jesus really had nothing to lose by offending the tax collectors. I think that he was allowing Peter to save face here. I think we see the tender, compassionate side of Jesus in these verses. He recognizes how embarrassing it would have been for Peter to have to go back out and tell the tax collectors that he was mistaken and so he provides a way for Peter to save face.
What an amazing God I serve! The God who, when it doesn't compromise his character or diminish his glory, allows his people to save face! I pray that the Spirit would produce this same compassion for people and awareness of a person's dignity in me.

1 comment:

Jeff Beer said...

I never really thought about it in that way. Good point though. Jesus ministry can be a mystery, but only He knew what was best, and I am grateful that I do not have that task myself.