Tuesday, January 13, 2009

But I wanted to walk...

Matthew 9:1-2

The key words in these verses are: faith and forgiven. Matthew is showing his audience that not only did Jesus have authourity over the physical world, sickness and the spiritual world but he had authourity over spiritual issues like sin. He had been given the authourity to forgive sin which meant that not only was Jesus the Messiah, Jesus was God. Jesus proved his authourity to forgive sin by demonstrating his authourity in these other areas.
I do have to wonder, though, if this man and his friends felt a little cheated. They had carried him who knows how far so that Jesus could heal him and the first words Jesus says are, "I'm impressed with the faith of your friends. Be encouraged. I forgive you." Put me in that situation and I would be thinking, "That's great, Jesus, but what about my legs?"
This is a reminder to me that the greatest work of Christ was to forgive sin so that people could have a restored relationship with God. This doesn't mean that he emphasized the spiritual need to the neglect of their physical needs, as the evangelical church in recent history is guilty of doing to a certain extent. But the swing of the pendulum to only look after the physical needs and social conditions of people is not an accurate picture of Jesus' agenda either. I must remind myself that it is good and necessary to look after orphans and widows in their distress but it is also very necessary to tell them about Jesus so that they will not have to face an eternity of distress under God's wrath. God, help me to be faithful in both acting out and proclaiming the good news message of Jesus.

1 comment:

Jeff Beer said...

I agree, may our acts show the love of Jesus and may our lips procalim his love as well. I don't agree with the people that say preach the gospel and sometimes use words. Actions are important, but so is proclaiming the gospel. Jesus often said repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. I fully agree that we need to have both in our lives, great reminder.