Monday, December 1, 2008

am I blind?

Matthew 6:22-23

The key words in this section are light, darkness, eyes, healthy and unhealthy. Matthew is still recording Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew contrasts having healthy eyes which fills the body with light to having unhealthy eyes which fills the body with darkness. He is obviously using a metaphor for being spiritually blind. I think the key phrase is "the eye is the lamp of the body."
This passage seems to stand on its own in the middle of a section about treasure. Jesus just finished saying that we should store our treasure in heaven and after this he goes on to talk about how we cannot serve both God and money. There are no words - like therefore, but, however, and, etc. - that would connect these verses to the surrounding ones. Some commentaries indicate that "healthy" should be translated "single" and "unhealthy" indicates "double". In this case, there is some connection to the next paragraph where Jesus talks about serving two masters. Jesus would therefore be saying that the person who tries to focus on heaven and this earth at the same time will see neither clearly. Because the eyes were believed to be the windows through which light entered the body, Jesus could be saying that if our spiritual eyes are focused and we are single minded, then our whole being is lit up with the benefits that come from that focuse and purpose. If our spiritual eyes are not focused on one thing, then our whole being becomes confused and infected.
The point, from looking at the previous passage and the next one, is clear: my focus should be on heaven. My heart should find its home there and my purpose must be clear: to serve God and store treasure in heaven. Jesus is combatting the notion that we can have it both ways. This fits with what he says about seeking, above everything, God's kingdom and righteousness. I know that I have been duped by the philosophy of materialism and consumerism. I know that I measure my success and worth by my bottom line and my possessions. I know that my vision is sometimes double. Today I want to focus my spiritual eye on Christ and allow my whole being to be filled with his light.

1 comment:

Jeff Beer said...

great insights, and so true, I think that our so called great society in North America can often be a poison to us. Are focus becomes about us and what we can get instaed of the Kingdom. May we not be so selfish, and may our eyes be focused on the prize, that which is in Christ Jesus.