Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Colossians 1:9-14

Paul is concerned that the Christians at Colossae would continue to grow in their understanding of God's will and in their obedience to that will. I'm don't think that this concern comes from any short-comings or any emergencies in the Colossian church but that Paul's desire is for the continued discipleship of the church. The key words are fruit (this seems to be a bit of a theme so far) and the idea of the kingdom (aka dominion).
This passage connects back to the previous section with the words "for this reason". I think Paul prays for this church because he has heard of their love in the Spirit. Paul put energy and concern into his prayer because there is something happening there - he is responding to their growth.
The prayer itself is another one of Paul's wonderful prayers with some great requests: that they would be filled with the knowledge of God's will, all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, etc. If I has someone praying this for me on a consistent basis I would be so blessed! On the flip side, I should be praying this for the people in my life, especially my leaders.

1 comment:

Jeff Beer said...

It is so true, I have used this prayer and some of Paul's other prayers to bless my leaders and they loved it, we even prayed it over each other. How powerful prayer can be, especially when we pray with desire like Paul did, when we are passionate about what we are praying for.