Monday, January 7, 2008

the one true gospel

Galatians 1:1-9

This letter is written by Paul on behalf of all the followers of Jesus who are travelling with him (it is not clear how much they collaborated on this letter). It is written to the churches in Galatia - which was a province in the Roman Empire. There is debate on whether this letter was written to churches in the Northern or Southern Region of the province.
The key words are authourity, gospel, God's curse. Paul, right from the beginning of the letter, reminds his audience that he comes in the authourity of Christ and that the gospel that Paul preaches is therefore not a human invention but the good news message of God, as revealed by Jesus. The occassion for Paul's writing this letter is that he has heard that the Galatian church is confused by a different message than the one that was originally given to them. Paul calls down curses on those who are spreading this false gospel.
As a minister and messenger of the gospel, I need to be really careful about the things that I say. I need to make sure that my message is the truth and presents God as he is truly is: good, holy, just and full of grace. I must not take away from or add to anything.

1 comment:

Journal T. Living said...

And the one true gospel is the Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures (Old Testament), He was buried and He rose again the third day according to the scriptures. My sheep hear my voice!
A crooked generation seeks a sign. I give it no other sign than the one true gospel.
