Wednesday, December 19, 2007

in the words of MC hammer

James 5:13-18

The key word in this passage is "pray". It's repeated many times throughout the passage. In almost a repetitive list, James says that the solution to being in trouble, happy or sick is to pray. As an illustration of the power of prayer, James points to Elijah who prayed to make the rain stop and then prayed again to re-start the rain. James' main point is that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
This is an extremely timely passage in light of the events at LCI. The response to this is to pray. Yes, the school and police need to take actions but ultimately God's plan is more powerful than the threateners plan and God's ability to keep our students safe is way greater than the school's ability.
Even beyond that, my first response needs to be prayer. I am wired to start putting strategy in place but I need to pause before that kicks in and just pray: to ask God for help, to praise him for his goodness, etc. So, let's pray.

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