Friday, August 24, 2007

Knowledge Based Passion

Romans 10:1-13

Key words: righteousness, law, faith, confess, believe
Contrasted ideas: righteousness from God through faith vs. righteousness through the law

Paul is connecting back to the beginning of chapter 9 where he talks about his desire to see Israel saved. He mourns their status because they had been given so much revelation from God and because he is an Israelite as well. He also connects to the over all theme of his letter (the just shall live by faith) in that his main point is that righteousness is obtained from God through faith and not by following the law (or doing good works).
The key verse is v. 9 because it sums up Paul's argument: salvation comes from acknowledging the deity of Christ and believing with your heart (emotions, will and intellect) that Christ was raised from the dead by God.

This reminds me of the graciousness of God: he does not demand that I do incredible heroic acts in order to be saved but to simply call on his name. This is so gracious of him because he has every right to judge (and condemn) me based on my deeds but he has agreed to allow the righteousness of Christ to become my righteousness through faith.
I am reminded again that my status before God has nothing to do with me and I am humbled again. At times I am arrogant in my thinking because I fall into the trap of believing that there was something in my character or abilities or accomplishments that attracted God to me. The truth is that I am saved only through faith and by the grace of God.

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