Monday, July 23, 2007

How much more...

Romans 5:15-17


The phrase "how much more" is repeated and key to Paul's point. Also, "through", "one man" and "righteousness" are key. Paul contrasts grace with trespass, Adam with Christ, the results of the trespass (condemnation and death) with the results of the grace (justification and life).


This continues Paul's comparison/contrast between Christ and Adam. Paul's point is that the effects of Adam's trespass were devestating and far reaching but the grace of God through Christ has an even greater impact on the world. This is hard to understand since the world was completely changed through Adam - death came to all humans, relationships were altered between humans and between humans and God, the way we work was changed, the way we have kids was changed. As great as the effects of sin, according to the Holy Spirit as he writes it in this passage, the effects of grace are even greater!


Your grace is enough! I am sometimes guilty of a cheap view of God's grace - as if his grace might run out, or barely be enough to cover over my sin. His grace is more than sufficient. I don't need to live in scarcity but in the abundance of God's grace. I can enjoy life to the full because I know that when I fall I will fall on the grace that first brought me to Him!

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