Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Light 'em up!

Ephesians 5:8-14

Not only are we supposed to have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness (I like that phrase!), we are supposed to expose them. We, as children of light, are supposed to shine the light of Christ on the futile, empty and shameful things of this world. It reminds me of a Bruce Cockburn song:"Kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight."
Not only are we supposed to shine our light, we are supposed to change the very character of darkness into light: "Everything exposed by the light becomes visible - and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." I know that it is not technically "we" who change the character of darkness but it is the power of God but I also know that God has chosen to use his children working in the power and under the direction of his Holy Spirit as his primary method to bring light to the darkness in this time. He is committed to this method and rarely will he make an exception. He has given us the responsibility to be his witness and take his light to all nations and all people.
I had a prof at BBC (Hindrager) who would get students who fell asleep to stand and read v. 14. It was quite funny! The student was usually in such a stupor that they didn't get the joke but the rest of the class sure did. The truth is that it is time for me to wake up and allow the light of Christ to shine on me, exposing the darkness in me and turning it into light and to allow the light of Christ to shine through me so that the darkness of this world may be exposed and possibly, through the grace of God, turned to light.

1 comment:

Ben said...

This passage leaves open the great possibility of redemption. We do not stop at simply exposing, but have the opportunity of changing darkness into light. This is great stuff.