Thursday, January 25, 2007


Today, I tried reading 1 Timothy 1 in a different translation: the NLT. It's interesting how the use of a few different words and maybe even a different way of dividing the paragraphs puts a whole new perspective on a passage. In reading the NIV it seems like the command that Paul is talking about is the command for the false teachers to quit teaching false doctrine (the goal of this command is love...). In the NLT, it seems more general - the goal of Paul's teaching is love. I guess this makes sense since the pinnacle of the Law is "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength." and "Love your neighbour as yourself."
However, the verse that stuck out to me was v. 18 (I think - I read the NLT on line and the way this computer is acting right now I don't want to risk going back to it!). It said something like... Oh, screw it! I'm taking the risk.
Ok, it worked!! It was actually v. 19 and it says: "Cling to your faith in Christ and keep your conscience clear." It seems like we can make things pretty complicated when it comes to faith and our spiritual journey. I'm the kind of guy that likes to have a few priorities and to work on those few things until they are done. I get frustrated and flustered when there are always new ideas and new things to work on and then I'm not sure that the priorities are anymore. That's why I like this verse - the list of things to work on is short but profound: cling to the faith (brings to mind a man clinging onto a life preserver in the ocean - he knows if he lets go he is doomed. I think I need that same kind of desperation in the way that I grab hold of my faith - if I don't have it I'm in big trouble) and keep my conscience clear. If I could do just these two things (for the glory of Christ of course - there, Sid, I got a Piper thought in!) I could consider myself successful. If we could get our students to do these two things well, can you imagine what might happen in their lives? Especially the part about having a clear conscience!

1 comment:

sidkoop said...

Ya dude...these two things would be so rich...By the way, in connection with my own spritual journey into and out of hyper calvinism...I love Paul's admonishion to "cling to the faith". Obvioulsy God's sovereignty does not remove my responsibility, and Paul would not give us a joke as in, "cling, but in all reality, even if you don't, you still will so don't worry about it" which makes me think we have a responsibility and significant role (eternally significant) in our journey. By the way, how good would it be if our students could live with a clear conscience. How much joy???

About the removal of words from scripture...I'm thinking of starting the process now so that no one will be surprised when I delete vs.11-15 of chapter 2. Later